The Firefighters Podcast

#317 Ben Levy UK strategic lead for Fires in Tall Buildings at the National Fire Chiefs Council

Pete Wakefield Season 4 Episode 317

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Ben Levy is a highly experienced senior manager at Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service. During his 28-year career as a firefighter and officer he has gained significant operational experience. He has held a wide range of leadership positions, with a primary focus on operational command, safety, technical advice, assurance, and research and development.

As the strategic lead for Fires in Tall Buildings at the National Fire Chiefs Council, he is focussed on advancing techniques and procedures for firefighting, rescue and evacuation in respect of tall buildings.  His primary concern is the safety of both firefighters and affected occupants. 

Ben recognises that a legacy of design, construction and build issues continue to create a significant challenge to Fire and Rescue Service responders. In response, he continually emphasises the importance of outstanding levels of preparedness for, and response to, fires in tall buildings .

connect with Ben HERE

other link mentioned
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